Naturally Creative: Wire and Stone Pendants

03/09/2024 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM CT


  • $20.00  -  Member
  • $25.00  -  Non-Member


Water Room


Show us your creativity at workshops featuring natural materials, methods, and themes. An opportunity to learn new skills and techniques from expert instructors in a supportive and inspiring environment.


Join Jenna to learn about wire weaving, or wrapping, loose stones. Learn about local geology, and use stones found both locally and globally to create a piece of wearable art! Participants will create their own wire wrapped pendant in copper or silver wire. It is encouraged for participants to bring a cherished stone of their own, otherwise Jenna will have a quantity of loose stones available for participants to use. Please bring needle nose pliers if you have a pair.


Pre-registration required by 3/7/24.  We will meet in the Water Room on campus in our Nature Hall at the Discovery Center.  Saturday 1 PM - 3:30 PM.  $25/Non-Member and $20/Member.


Please read our program and event registration and cancellation policy here.