Nibbles n Knowledge: Past, Present and Future Fires of the Boundary Waters Ecosystem

05/12/2022 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM CT


  • $14.00  -  Member
  • $17.00  -  Non-Member


NLDC Main Lodge


Treehaven Resident Ecologist Elias Anoszko, will present research on the fire ecology of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW). Discover how past fires have shaped the wilderness we know today and learn how recent fires have impacted the BWCAW and what they can tell us about the future of America’s most visited wilderness.  Elias Anoszko has an extensive background in fire ecology as well as boots on the ground experience as a forester and wildland firefighter with the MN DNR. He earned his PhD from the University of Minnesota studying the effects of the Ham and Cavity Lake fires on the forests of BWCAW.  Join us for an evening of delicious nibbles and expanding your knowledge.

We will serve light appetizers and have a cash bar from 5 – 6 pm, program will run 6 – 7 pm.  Registration required by 5/10. 

Program held at the North Lakeland Discovery Center Main Lodge.  $17 ($14 members) $20 at the door.


Please read our program and event registration and cancellation policy here. (V)