16th Annual Northwoods Birds & Wildlife Festival - ONLINE Event
- $20.00 - Members
- $30.00 - Non-Members
Join us in celebrating International Migratory Bird Day and the amazing natural diversity of our Northwoods region at our 16th Annual Birds & Wildlife Festival!
Due to the public health and safety concerns, the Discovery Center has made a few changes to this fun and engaging event, but your participation is still very much necessary. The Festival offers over 10 hours of online programming by local natural resource experts, including 2 Keynote addresses!
Presentations include: John Bates: The Wild Side of Wildlife Ecology, and Bill Volkert: The Migration of Birds, as well as a virtual bird banding demonstration, a small mammal trapping survey, and a water quality monitoring program, plus much more! The Discovery Center still encourages everyone to celebrate birds and wildlife by birding and hiking or paddling at your favorite location, in the Northwoods or wherever you call home. We will share the sightings and stories of the weekend with all participants through our interactive online format. You will have the opportunity to learn from experts on a wide range of environmental topics, and feel a sense of community by participating in a day celebrating our birds and wildlife. Register Today!
If you would like to register after 10am on June 5th please email Annie McDonnell - annie@discoverycenter.net
Download the weekend Festival Program Overview and the detailed Festival Guide
Please read our program registration and cancellation policy here. (V)